at the heart of the City of Inverness

Our Organisation
Ness Bank Church is a parish church and is part of the National Church of Scotland. Our system of governance is Presbyterian which means that we are ruled by elders. The Church of Scotland is organised on the basis of courts - at Ness Bank Church we are governed by the elders who make up the Kirk Session which is chaired or moderated by the Minister.
The next court is the Presbytery of Inverness which is made up of ministers and elders from all the different parishes within the geographical bounds of the Presbytery. The highest court is the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland which meets annually in Edinburgh and is made up of ministers, elders and deacons.
The Kirk Session of Ness Bank has complete oversight of the life and work of Ness Bank. There are also teams made up of elders and members which cover all the different aspects of our life at Ness Bank from Youth to Finance, from Property to Community Outreach, from World Mission to Pastoral Care, from Admin to Communications & Publicity. These teams have the responsibility to implement and to oversee the decisions of the Kirk Session. Contact details for all the Team Leaders can be found under the section headed ‘Team Leaders.’
For more information about the Church of Scotland contact: