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Pastoral Care


“So keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock

of which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care."

(Acts 20 v28)


Pastoral care is the way we express our Christian caring for one another, for example by praying for people, listening to them, visiting them at home, or in care homes or hospital. This care is a top priority for Fiona, our Minister, who strives to ensure that every member of our large congregation feels that they are truly part of our church family. We assist her by helping with visiting, many other duties and at times just holding a hand. We also help with delivery of Life and Work, our monthly newsletter and liaise with the Prayer Group. Our ‘Flower Ministry’ is important and so much appreciated.


Many of us need personal (and often confidential) help or support at some time in our lives. If you want to talk through something that concerns you then please contact:

Wym Simpson, Session Clerk (01463 238409)
Sheila Proudfoot, Pastoral Team (01463 237920)

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