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Messy Church




The term ‘Messy Church’ has been used for a number of years but what does it mean?  In essence, it’s a modern way to communicate the Christian faith to families who might not feel inclined to come to a church service but have an interest in what we have to say.  In Ness Bank it’s a highly organised operation planned in advance, and led by a team of volunteers.  A lunch is provided for all attending and the chosen topic is developed  using drama, music, story and a wide range of active games and crafts to capture the children’s interests.  We aim to have four events in a year – at Christmas, Easter, summer with a theme and one in October. 


‘Getting ready for Christmas’ was an exciting and significant Messy Church event as it reassured us that we can still attract families to Ness Bank Church!  With a total of 70 people present, we developed the Christmas story through drama, music and a short talk, all based on Mary’s reactions to the announcement by the angel Gabriel. Watch the video here.


Can you help the Messy Church team?

‘New Beginnings’ is the theme for Messy Church on 1 September 2024. The programme is ready, the songs are selected and the team members are busy getting materials together for their activities. Publicity is key and we hope you can help by making this event known. Above all, we ask for your prayerful support as we reach out to young families.


If you would like to help out at our Messy Church events, please get in touch. It’s always good to hear from volunteers within the congregation. If you can help with arts and crafts, catering, publicity, admin, drama, music or just providing an extra pair of hands on the day, we would be pleased to hear from you.


For more information, please contact:
Margaret Livingstone




Time for food

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Praise time in the sanctuary

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Craft Time

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Decorating Cakes

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