at the heart of the City of Inverness
Ness Bank Music Group
The Music Group has started up again on a regular monthly basis. If you play an instrument and would like to be part of the group leading worship, please get in touch with me. The music is sent out by email and we rehearse on the morning of the service at 9:15am. We don’t expect musicians to be available every month – we’re hoping to extend the team to allow for this and we’ll be pleased to have you when you are free. Hoping to hear from you!
Margaret Livingstone – Tel: 01456 450936 or email
The Music Group was formed in 2002. Its initial purpose was to make use of musicians within the congregation to provide suitable music for family services four of five times a year. More recently, we have been given a more pro-active role in worship by providing music on a monthly basis. With a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns played on the organ, keyboard, violin, flute, trumpet and guitars, the emphasis is now on using the instruments that best suit the style of the music and provide the congregation with a balanced and carefully thought-out praise list. The music arrangements are created digitally and circulated to group members in advance. We practise together for an hour before the service.
Potential new members are welcome and should contact Margaret and Ian Livingstone on 01456 450936 or email
Ness Bank church also has a choir.