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Jesus said: Love one another, just as I love you.


Welcome to Ness Bank Parish Church, a Church of Scotland congregation.

We are a Presbyterian church and part of the Reformed tradition.

Ness Bank Church’s vision is to be a church without walls reaching out in faith to our parish and beyond with the light, the love, the hope and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


We serve Christ in many different ways at Ness Bank Church, but at the heart of all that we do week by week is our faith in Jesus Christ and central to that is our Sunday morning worship – come and see for yourself, you are assured of a warm welcome and you may just find it transforms your life.

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Rev. Stuart Smith


If you cannot make it to Church, why not join our services online or replay recorded services. 

Sunday Worship

Sunday  13 October 2024 at 11.00am

The Service will be conducted by Rev Stuart Smith

Tea and Coffee will be served in the hall after the service

What's Happening?
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Minister's Leave

Rev Stuart Smith will be on leave from 24 September until 9 October.

Rev Scott McRoberts, St Columba, will provide cover for funerals. Hospital visiting will be done by the Pastoral Care Team - contact Mrs Sheila Proudfoot, Tel. 237920.


The Guild

The next meeting of the Guild will take place at 2.30pm on Tuesday 8 October in Trinity & Dalneigh Church, when there will be a talk on Crime in Inverness.

All welcome.

An Invitation to Sing


Blythswood Shoebox Appeal

Shoeboxes for Blythswood are now available in the vestibule. If you’d like to fill a box, please pick one up along with a leaflet which details what they like in a box & how to prepare it. There is a box available for donations as well. If you prefer, you can just pop a few items in a bag & leave that in the vestibule. Everything handed in will then be given to Blythswood. Of course, you can wrap your own box if preferred. The last day to return your donations via Ness Bank vestibule is Sunday 27 October.


Crossreach News

The September magazine, keeping us up to date with news of their many services plus an update on the new Residential Recovery Centre in Inverness, can be found in the front vestibule along with their Christmas Card and Calendar collection.

August September Front Page.png

November/December Newsletter

This edition of the newsletter will be issued in early November. As usual I will welcome reports/updates, and contributions can be sent to me

( at any time but no later than Wednesday 23 October.                                                                                                         Joyce Muir


Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’

The Sing Vivaldi Chorus under Director D James Ross, with Gordon Tocher at the organ, will perform Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’ on Saturday 12 October at 6.00pm in Inverness Cathedral. Admission free. Retiring collection in aid of The Highland Hospice.

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Forthcoming Events

Harvest Thanksgiving – Sunday 27 October at 11am

BigNess Praise – Sunday 3 November - 7-8 pm

Remembrance Service – Sunday 10 November at 10.55am

Messy Church – Sunday 17 November - 12.30-2.30pm

The Leprosy Mission

The Leprosy Mission’s Area Fundraising Group is holding an Afternoon Tea on Saturday, 19 October from 2.00-4.00pm in the upper hall of the Crown Church (Midmills Road entrance, stairs and lift inside, and free parking at Crown School car park). There will be a bring-and-buy stall and a stall with Leprosy Mission products. Please come and support the work at Chanchaga Orthopaedic Workshop in Nigeria. Donation: £3 or more at the door. We look forward to seeing you. Tickets can be obtained from Guild members.


Highland Foodbank

The following items are requested for September/October:

Cornflakes/Weetabix                        Tins of corned beef             Tins of ham

Tins of potatoes/smash                   Tins of fruit (not prunes)    Tins of meat/meatballs

Packets of biscuits                            Tins of custard                      Washing up liquid



Aled Jones

Aled Jones is coming to Eden Court on Sunday 20 April 2025, 7.30pm (Easter Sunday). The Eden Court blurb says “after 40 years in the business, he’s looking back on a remarkable career with a one-man show that will feature never-before-heard music, tales from the decades and, for the first time, his story told in his own words.” Ness Bank reserved a row in the stalls (which can be accessed with no steps). If anyone would like to join a Ness Bank trip to see this, please give your details & correct payment to Janet Russell. It’s £34 (£32 Friends of Eden Court).

Aled Jones – Full Circle | Eden Court (

Baby & Toddler Group

The Group meets in the Main Hall every Wednesday during term time from 9.30-11.30am. All parents and carers with children under 5 are welcome.
The cost is £3.00 per family.
For further information on thegroup, please contact Anne Sutherland tel 238238.

Our Café at Ness Bank Church is open for vegetarian meals, tea, coffee and a warm welcome. 

​NB. Summer opening hours start on 30 April. Further onformation is here.

​If you are struggling financially to buy food and would like to talk to someone please call our telephone helpline  which is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm; Saturday 10am to 1pm.

Helpline Number: 07552303056

Ness Bank Crafties

 The Crafties will resume on Tuesday 13 August from 10.00am-12noon in room 1.
New members welcome.

The Choir

​Choir Practices take place on Thursdays at 7.30pm in Room 1. New voices in all parts will be made most welcome.

Flower Calendar

The 2024 Flower Calendar is on the noticeboard in the vestibule. If you wish to donate flowers to the church please add your name to the date of your choice. A very big thank-you to all who donated to flowers in 2023. Anyone interested in joining our Flower Group will be most welcome.
If you would like to help please telephone Finella Thomson on 01463 230155.

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